fluffles pb nursery rhyme challeng

fluffles pb nursery rhyme challeng
watch out incy wincy spider

Wednesday 5 January 2011

day 205 in blogland

well i didn't really make any new years resolutions, coz i never really keep them, i know i should start to eat less of all those lovley things that arnt good for me, and excersise more, and i will try,really need to do something as the days in work just seem to be getting so much longer, i am off for 4 days now. going to try and make my blog a bit more exciting, maybe add a card or 2 instead of just waffling on. happy crafting lmn x


  1. Hello Carla
    Enjoy your days off work lol,-------- we all know what we NEED to do, but it's so boring, you are still loverly and kind underneath, and that is all that matters
    Tilly x

  2. hi carla,hope you being good....lol

  3. hi carla,tried to leave you a comment on newer post but it wont let me :(
    loving the new card but please dont eat me...lol
